New compilation 廣銷官網校內新聞

廣銷官網 校內新聞 銘傳x士林國小USR 小朋友:越南河粉裡有香茅和薄荷 -2024年11月27日 記者/詹博鈞 Ming Chuan University x Shilin Elementary School USR Project Kids: Explore Lemongrass and Mint in Vietnamese PhoNovember 27, 2024Reporter: Zhan Bojun 「我們的河粉裡常常加入香茅和薄荷,聞起來很香又好吃!」這是一位來自越南的士林國小學生和大家分享香草植物的應用。11月25日銘傳大學傳播學院USR與香草街屋蔡以倫老師共同舉辦的新食尚小農夫課程,帶領小朋友們認識不同的香草植物及飲食的應用。 “Our pho often includes lemongrass and mint, which smell fragrant and taste delicious!” shared a Vietnamese student from Shilin Elementary School, introducing the application of herbal plants. On November 25, Ming Chuan …

News Compilation

1.品牌行銷應用AR技術的商機及趨勢 Opportunities and trends of using AR technology in brand marketing 在當今數位時代,品牌與企業正不斷尋求新方式來吸引顧客,提高品牌參與度,讓消費者身臨其境,提供與眾不同的品牌消費體驗,加深顧客對品牌的印象,引發購買慾望。在這樣的環境下,擴增實境( Augmented Reality,AR )行銷因其應用性廣泛,且大眾對於 AR 載體裝置設備較虛擬實境( Virtual Reality,VR )易取得,目前已成為品牌企業實現商業目標的一個強大工具。 網址: In this digital era, brands and businesses are continuously looking for new ways to attract customers, enhance brand participation, and provide immersive, distinctive brand experiences that deepen customer impressions and stimulate purchase desires. In such environment, Augmented Reality …