News Compilation


Opportunities and trends of using AR technology in brand marketing

在當今數位時代,品牌與企業正不斷尋求新方式來吸引顧客,提高品牌參與度,讓消費者身臨其境,提供與眾不同的品牌消費體驗,加深顧客對品牌的印象,引發購買慾望。在這樣的環境下,擴增實境( Augmented Reality,AR )行銷因其應用性廣泛,且大眾對於 AR 載體裝置設備較虛擬實境( Virtual Reality,VR )易取得,目前已成為品牌企業實現商業目標的一個強大工具。


In this digital era, brands and businesses are continuously looking for new ways to attract customers, enhance brand participation, and provide immersive, distinctive brand experiences that deepen customer impressions and stimulate purchase desires. In such environment, Augmented Reality (AR) marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for brands and enterprises to achieve their business objectives due to its widespread applicability and the greater accessibility of AR-enabled devices compared to Virtual Reality (VR) platforms.



“DigiAsia2022″ takes the lead in digital technology applications, winning the Golden and Bronze Awards at the DSA Apex Awards for its outstanding achievements.

數位亞洲大會DigiAsia2022在以「Web3 Rhapsody 狂想曲」為主題的盛會中,深入探討了數位產業與創新創業的前沿趨勢。這場集結了人文與科技、融合創意與創新的盛會, cacaFly聖洋科技全力支持,透過整合區塊鏈技術及VR技術,打造了一場前所未有的Web3體驗,實現現實與虛擬世界的無縫連結。此次大會更舉辦了NFT創作展及虛擬實境展間,收獲豐碩成果!更在今年榮獲DSA數位奇點獎《最佳體驗技術運用獎》金獎和《最佳數位技術應用獎》銅獎,成就斐然!


The DigiAsia2022 digital conference themed ‘Web3 Rhapsody,’ explored cutting-edge trends in the digital industry and innovation entrepreneurship. This convergence of humanities and technology, blending creativity and innovation, was wholeheartedly supported by cacaFly Saint Ocean Technology. Through the integration of blockchain and VR technologies, an unprecedented Web3 experience was established, achieving a seamless connection between reality and the virtual world. The conference also hosted a successful NFT art exhibition and virtual reality showcase with good results! The exhibition received the DSA Digital Apex Awards, winning the Golden Award in ‘Best Experience Technology Implementation Award’ and the Bronze Award in ‘Best Digital Technology Application Award’, marking a remarkable achievement!



Media Feature: Insight Report – The Inevitable Future! Mastering Corporate ESG Sustainability Communication Strategies



In line with the Legislative Yuan passing the ‘Climate Change Response Act’ and the Financial Supervisory Commission promoting ‘Corporate Governance 3.0 – Sustainable Development Blueprint,’ companies in Taiwan are at a key turning point. As more brands are increasingly expected to demonstrate greater commitment to environmental protection and sustainability, managing a company’s ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) image and reputation has become a crucial challenge.


4.擁抱行銷新時代 探討AI應用趨勢與新商機

Welcome a New Era of Marketing: Exploring Trends and New Opportunities in AI Applications



2023 DSA Seminar was recently held with the theme “Empowering with AI, Embracing a New Era in Marketing”. Industry pioneers were invited to share insights from various perspectives on the advantages and impacts of AI. Qi-Wei Lu, Deputy General Manager of Digital Integration at Jethi Edway, was one of the speakers. He engaged in a trend discussion with Chen Zi-Long, CEO of Spuer8 Cloud Development, and Bo-Han Lin, Chief Business Officer of Gogolook. They delved into the trends from automation to AI applications, exploring new business opportunities in marketing and brand management from the perspectives of brands, agents, and technology vendors. 


5.台灣用戶對5G要求高 五成認為網路表現是選擇電信的關鍵因素

Taiwanese users have high demands for 5G, with 50% considering network performance as the key factor in choosing a telecommunications provider.



In Taiwan, consumers emphasize network performance very much, with as many as 50% of users considering this as the key factor when choosing a telecommunications service vendor. Additionally, 11% of consumers anticipate innovative tariff plans, both proportions surpassing the global average. Data from Ericsson’s ConsumerLab indicates that nearly half (45%) of consumers contemplate switching vendors in pursuit of better 5G network performance. In Taiwan specifically, a staggering 50% of consumers express that network performance is their primary consideration when selecting a telecommunications service vendor.


6.有溫度的品牌會發光!異言堂讓品牌為台灣創生 深耕行銷大小事

A brand with warmth shinez! Yiyantang enables brands to regenerate in Taiwan, cultivating both big and small aspects of marketing.


Over the past 20 years, Yiyantang has gone through stages of media segmentation, digital transformation, and multi-cultures. In the process of effectively integrating advertising, digital, and activities for numerous brands, it has been realized that brand operation should not only focus on the brand itself. Instead, it should deeply connect with aspects such as people, locality, industry, and culture to maximize the brand’s value and energy. Breaking away from a purely commercial mindset is essential for continuously revitalizing a brand. Recently, Yiyantang Advertising has found triggers that resonate with consumers through ‘brand-local emotional connections,’ not only bringing about business opportunities for brands but also ensuring continuous shine.


7.什麼是點數經濟? 如何透過點數行銷招攬新客、培養品牌忠實顧客!

What is the “point economy”? How can it be used in marketing to attract new customers and cultivate brand loyalty?

點數經濟是品牌與顧客間,透過點數的累積與兌換,來持續創造互動與銷售的經濟模型。一般來說,高集點忠誠會員往往能為品牌創造穩定的營收。然而,品牌在規劃專屬點數行銷活動時,有哪些特別注意的關鍵要素?過程中可能面臨哪些挑戰?又有哪些新趨勢值得關注?以下,就跟著 Migo 一起深入探討點數行銷的世界吧!


The point economy is a continual interaction and sales model between brands and customers through the accumulation and redemption of points. Generally, highly engaged loyalty members who accumulate points tend to generate steady revenue for a brand. However, when planning exclusive points-based marketing campaigns, what are the key elements to pay special attention to for a brand? What challenges might arise during this process? And what emerging trends are worth paying attention to? Let’s join the world of points-based marketing together with Migo to explore these aspects!



Four Hours of Daily Traffic Jam in Jakarta: A Treasure Trove for Outdoor Advertising

雅加達是世界上最擁擠的城市之一,交通堵塞可以持續數小時。通常,交通堵塞發生在早上5點到8點和下午5點到8點的繁忙時段。根據TomTom International BV在2022年的數據,印尼是世界上最擁堵的城市之一,排名第29位。這種交通擁堵也為廣告商提供了一個接觸大量受眾的機會。例如,廣告牌或DOOH/OOH可以非常有效,廣告牌可以放置在主要道路和高速公路沿線的戰略位置,每天可以被成千上萬的人看到。


Jakarta, one of the world’s most congested cities, experiences traffic jams that last for several hours daily. Typically occurring during peak hours from 5 AM to 8 AM and 5 PM to 8 PM, these congestion patterns rank Indonesia among the top 29 most congested cities worldwide, according to data from TomTom International BV in 2022. This gridlock provides advertisers with an opportunity to reach a vast audience. For instance, billboards or Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH/OOH) advertising can be highly effective, strategically placed along major roads and highways, garnering attention from thousands of passersby daily.



Localization and sustainable operation of MUJI

動腦俱樂部於10月18日的例會邀請台灣無印良品營業部營運企劃總監 徐恒琦Kelly,以「MUJI無印良品的在地化與永續經營」為題分享。自2019年開始,MUJI無印良品選擇以食農為主題,串聯台灣城鎮,提出更貼近在地生活方式的商品提案。從中,MUJI無印良品扮演著發掘、發現與發展的角色,透過與農友的對談,瞭解農友栽種背景,並確認合作理念有無契合;接著,實地走訪產地,瞭解產地狀況、耕作理念等;最後,相互討論預計合作販售的品項,依據產品特性發展潛力商機。


On October 18, the Brainstorming Club hosted an event featuring Ms. Kelly Hsu, the Director of Operations and Planning at the Taiwan branch of MUJI, who shared insights on “MUJI’s Localization and Sustainable Operations.” Since 2019, MUJI has focused on the theme of agriculture, connecting various Taiwanese towns and proposing products that align more closely with local lifestyles. In this role, MUJI has taken on the task of exploration, discovery, and development. They engage in dialogues with farmers, understanding their cultivation history and assessing alignment through collaborative philosophies. Following this, they conduct on-site visits to understand the conditions and farming philosophies at the source. Finally, they discuss potential collaborative products, considering their inherent characteristics and the development of viable business opportunities.


10.洞察多元消費路徑 建立品牌與消費者間的橋樑 – 以5A分析檢視益生菌品牌消費者旅程

Gaining Insights into Diverse Consumer Paths: Bridging the Gap Between Brands and Consumers – Examining the Consumer Journey of Probiotic Brands through 5A Analysis.

因食藥署法規的限制,保健食品品牌行銷時無法直接宣傳產品療效和食用前後效果,因此常遇到困難與挑戰,品牌需要能有效地向消費者傳遞產品特點,讓消費者能第一時間聯想到自家品牌與商品。i-Buzz藉由多年行銷策略分析經驗,運用獨創策略工具- 5A消費者旅程分析,協助品牌成功制定合適的保健食品行銷策略。


Due to the limitation by the Food and Drug Administration regulations, health supplement brands face challenges in directly advertising therapeutic effects or pre/post-consumption benefits of their products. Consequently, brands encounter difficulties in effectively communicating product attributes to consumers, aiming for immediate association between their brand and the product. Leveraging years of marketing strategy analysis, i-Buzz utilizes a proprietary strategic tool – the 5A Consumer Journey Analysis – to assist brands in devising successful marketing strategies for health supplements. 
