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銘傳x士林國小USR 小朋友:越南河粉裡有香茅和薄荷



Ming Chuan University x Shilin Elementary School USR Project

Kids: Explore Lemongrass and Mint in Vietnamese Pho
November 27, 2024
Reporter: Zhan Bojun


“Our pho often includes lemongrass and mint, which smell fragrant and taste delicious!” shared a Vietnamese student from Shilin Elementary School, introducing the application of herbal plants. On November 25, Ming Chuan University’s School of Communication USR project team teamed up with Teacher Tsai, Yi-Lun from Herb Street Studio to host the “New Food Trend: Little Farmers” workshop, teaching children about different herbal plants and their culinary uses.


Teacher Tsai, Yi-Lun started by explaining essential factors for plant growth, such as sunlight, ventilation, and water. He then used relatable examples, like microwaved food and laundry detergent, to help children understand how toxins in daily life can impact plants and human health. After grasping the concepts, the children actively discussed and shared their thoughts.


Following this, Teacher Tsai, Yi-Lun introduced several herbal plants featured in the workshop, such as plectranthus, mint, and lemongrass. He explained their uses in cooking, tea-making, and pest control. The engaging interactions sparked enthusiastic responses, especially when discussing basil. Many children eagerly exclaimed that they had tasted it in fried snacks, which triggered waves of laughter. Teacher Liao, Yu-Xin, the class advisor of Grade 5 Class 3, noted that these plants are often part of everyday life, and this workshop helped students understand their impact on daily life.


The hands-on session saw USR team members assisting the children in planting herbs. Although some were initially hesitant about the smells and planting process, they participated more boldly with encouragement from the instructors and the older MCU friends. Xu, Jia-Rong, a Grade 5 student, remarked, “Plants actually smell really nice!”. The USR team also introduced a “herb bingo” activity, where children documented and discussed their sensory experiences. The diverse tactile and olfactory impressions from different groups spurred creative thinking and imagination.


When exploring professions related to herbs, many children chose YouTuber and journalist as their favorites. Grade 5 student Cao, Ting-Shuo mentioned watching YouTube videos about similar plants, highlighting his interest and aspirations in the new media industry.


Mr. Chen, Bo-Wen, Director of Student Affairs at Shilin Elementary School, emphasized that the workshop not only familiarized students with the properties and applications of herbal plants but also taught them to use online media resources wisely in the digital age. The activity aimed to deepen their understanding of their environment, foster an appreciation for plants and lay a solid foundation in food education and media literacy to promote their overall well-being and competencies.

銘傳大學攜手賽珍珠基金會舉辦心連新健走 傳播學院師生齊心參與



Ming Chuan University Partners with The Pearl S. Buck Foundation for “Walk with Heart and Care” Event
October 9, 2024
Reporter: Yu, Yun-Fang


The public charity event, “Walk with Heart and Care”, took place on October 5 at the Bitan East Plaza. Ming Chuan University’s Dean of the School of Communication, Dr. Chen, Po-Yu, shared that the university has partnered with The Pearl S. Buck Foundation for many years. Through a series of diverse activities, the collaboration provides opportunities for interaction and exchange, fostering students’ participation in charitable causes while enhancing their awareness and understanding of social responsibility.


Yu, Pei-Wen, Chairperson of The Pearl S. Buck Foundation, expressed gratitude to all participants for their support. She emphasized that this event is just one step in the foundation’s journey to promote public welfare, particularly focusing on underprivileged and immigrant communities. She added that the foundation plans to continue advocating for inclusive initiatives that unite society to create a better future.


Dr. Chen noted that this year’s event saw significant participation from international students of the School of Communication, who volunteered in various roles, including on-site coordination, promotion, and event planning. For students, this was a valuable learning experience, allowing them to gain practical skills and lay a strong foundation for organizing future events.


Ko, Pin-Ci, a junior in Ming Chuan’s Department of Advertising and Strategic Marketing, served as a volunteer during the event. She shared that she learned a lot from the preparation stages to the day of the event, particularly in planning and management, including time management and staff allocation. She commended the dedication of all on-site staff, who worked tirelessly to ensure the event’s success.


The event also saw collaboration with several businesses. Yang, Yong-Zhi, an employee of Tatung World Technology, suggested exploring more partnerships with companies to boost visibility through corporate promotions and increase resource availability, encouraging broader participation. Yang himself learned about the event through his workplace.


The “Walk with Heart and Care” event aims to unite the compassion and strength of all sectors of society to support economically disadvantaged immigrant families. The ultimate goal is to create a more inclusive and warmer environment for their growth, helping them feel a stronger sense of belonging and support within Taiwanese society.

113全國學生犯罪預防漫畫與創意短片比賽 銘傳大學橫掃六項大獎



Ming Chuan University Sweeps Six Awards at 2024 National Student Crime Prevention Comics and Creative Short Film Contest
November 11, 2024
Reporter: Zhou, Zi-Yi

113年全國學生犯罪預防漫畫與創意短片比賽《炎夏漫活 創意說話》於9日在台北國家圖書館舉行頒獎典禮,銘傳大學傳播學院學生在比賽中表現亮眼,一舉拿下六項大獎,包括金質獎、銀質獎、銅質獎、最佳人氣獎及兩項佳作獎,展現出年輕創作者對社會犯罪議題的高度關注與獨特視角。

The award ceremony for the 2024 National Student Crime Prevention Comics and Creative Short Film Contest, themed “Creative Conversations in the Summer Heat”, was held on November 9 at the National Central Library in Taipei. Students from Ming Chuan University’s School of Communication showcased their remarkable talent, claiming six awards: Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards, the Popularity Award, and two Honorable Mentions. Their works reflected young creators’ keen awareness of social crime issues and their unique perspectives.


Hosted by the Ministry of Justice since 2011, the contest aims to instill crime prevention and self-protection concepts in young students. Over its 13-year history, it has adopted an edutainment approach, using creative short films to convey crime prevention messages to the public. This year’s competition focused on five themes: anti-fraud (including anti-money laundering), anti-drunk driving, anti-drug abuse, anti-vote-buying, and the prevention of child and adolescent sexual exploitation. Students were encouraged to create impactful audio-visual works that integrate crime prevention concepts into daily life.

此次銘傳大學獲獎作品主題豐富,如《引以為戒 小心犯罪》以幽默手法將比賽的五大議題,巧妙結合影視經典名場面;《痴癮》和《誠癮》則透過劇情片的敘事風格,深刻揭示藥物濫用和毒品危害的議題,警示觀眾珍惜健康;《不再沉默》聚焦校園性剝削問題,鼓勵受害者勇敢發聲、尋求協助。

The award-winning entries from Ming Chuan University covered a wide array of topics. For instance, “Learn Lessons, Beware of Crime” humorously combined the five themes with iconic cinematic scenes; “Addiction” and “Truthful Addiction” used narrative storytelling to delve into the dangers of drug abuse, urging viewers to value their health. “No Longer Silent” tackled the issue of campus sexual exploitation, empowering victims to speak out and seek help.


The Gold Award-winning entry, “The Distance Between Us and Fraud”, featured a single actor portraying multiple characters in exaggerated performances that highlighted various fraud tactics. The film presented the diversity and prevalence of modern scams by depicting four distinct fraud scenarios—some inspired by classic cases and others drawn from real-life experiences.


Director of the winning film, Chen, Yi-Xuan, shared an ironic personal anecdote: after completing the script on anti-fraud, she herself fell victim to a scam. She was even in court during the announcement of the awards. Chen remarked, “Fraud techniques are constantly evolving, so ‘The Distance between Us and Fraud’ is almost non-existent.” She hopes the film serves as a wake-up call, reminding everyone to stay vigilant and reduce their risk of being deceived.

金鐘59銘傳校友再創佳績 屠潔二度摘企劃編撰獎 鄭予舜《商魂》奪美術設計獎



Ming Chuan Alumni Shine Again at the 59th Golden Bell Awards: Tu, Jie Wins Second Planning and Writing Award; Zheng, Yu-Shun Takes Best Art Design for “Business Soul”
November 11, 2024
Reporter: Huang, Shi-Qin

第59屆金鐘獎頒獎典禮首次至北流舉行,於10月19日圓滿落幕,銘傳大學廣銷系校友屠潔繼去年奪得「企劃編撰獎」後,再次憑藉《開箱聲音場館Encore Echo》奪下該獎項。廣電系校友鄭予舜則憑電視劇《商魂》在第三次入圍後終於抱回「戲劇類節目美術設計獎」,為銘傳校友在金鐘獎舞台上再添亮眼成績。

The 59th Golden Bell Awards Ceremony was held for the first time at the Taipei Music Center on October 19, concluding with great fanfare. Ming Chuan University alumni achieved stellar results once again. Tu, Jie, an alumna of the Department of Advertising and Strategic Marketing, claimed the Planning and Writing Award for the second consecutive year with Encore Echo: Unpacking Sound Venues. Meanwhile, Radio and Television alum Zheng, Yu-Shun won the Art Design Award for Drama Programs for the television series “Business Soul”, after being nominated for the third time.

去年以《深旅FOLLOW ME》獲得58屆廣播金鐘獎「企劃編撰獎」的屠潔,今年又再度以《開箱聲音場館Encore Echo》拿下該獎項。屠潔擔任主持人,同時身兼製作人及企劃,集結台灣13座聲音場館,節目利用環境音的呈現方式讓觀眾彷彿親臨場館現場,並透過多元視角揭開每座場館不為人知的故事。

Last year, Tu, Jie won the same award for Deep Travel: Follow Me. This year, she triumphed again with Encore Echo: Unpacking Sound Venues, where she served as host, producer, and planner. The program explored 13 sound venues across Taiwan, using ambient sounds to immerse audiences in each location while unveiling untold stories from these venues.

屠潔分享,「開箱聲音場館Encore Echo」是全新的旗艦計畫,結合廣播節目與影音內容,將精華濃縮成10分鐘的影音呈現給觀眾。由於有大量的影像素材需審核與篩選,因此,需要花兩倍的時間與精力製作。她強調,節目最重要的應該是要引發觀眾興趣,若觀眾想要更深入了解,則可透過廣播節目獲得更細節的內容。

Tu described Encore Echo as an ambitious flagship project combining radio and audiovisual content, with a condensed 10-minute video version available to audiences. She noted the labor-intensive process of reviewing and selecting visual materials, requiring double the usual time and effort. Tu emphasized that the primary goal of the program is to spark audience interest, with in-depth details available through the radio show.


In one episode, Tu explored the National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, a frequent venue for Taiwan’s “Three Gold Awards” ceremonies. She took on the role of an award host within the episode, symbolizing a dream fulfilled when she eventually hosted part of this year’s radio awards ceremony. Reflecting on the experience, Tu remarked, “Even though I never expected to be a ceremony host, the program allowed me to achieve that vision. It’s funny how it became a reality.”

屠潔說:「我一直都在做自己喜歡的事,不論有沒有人支持我,我都會為了自己喜歡的議題去努力。」並期許未來能跳脫節目「開箱聲音場館Encore Echo」中知性、引導的形象,將自己活潑、充滿能量的個性透過螢幕或聲音節目表現出來。

Tu shared her philosophy: “I’ve always pursued what I love, regardless of external support. I work hard for causes I’m passionate about.” Looking ahead, she hopes to move beyond her current image as an intellectual guide and convey her energetic personality through screen and audio programs.



Zheng, Yu-Shun won the Best Art Design Award for a Drama Program at the 59th Golden Bell Awards for his work on “Business Soul”.

A graduate of Ming Chuan University’s Radio and Television Department, Zheng has excelled in the field of art design. His past contributions include serving as the art director for productions such as “Tears on Fire God”, “The Bridge Curse 2”, “GATAO: Like Father Like Son”, and “Psychic Street 11”. He was previously nominated twice for the Best Art Design Award at the Golden Bell Awards for the PTS original film ”Visitor” and the series “I Do”. This year, he finally clinched the award with “Business Soul”. Zheng remarked, “For art design to be recognized, credit goes to the director’s coordination, the producer’s supportive environment, the cinematographer’s keen eye, the refined lighting, the impeccable styling, and post-production’s ability to expand the vision and deliver precise edits. This award belongs to everyone involved in ‘Business Soul’”.


Zheng shared that art design requires adapting to different formats to deliver varied visual experiences. In films, the relatively fixed duration demands conveying all visual elements within a set timeframe. In contrast, longer series formats, like the television drama “Business Soul”, necessitate more nuanced considerations. For “Business Soul”, set in the 1950s, the production team aimed to authentically depict the historical context while integrating modern aesthetics. To avoid visual monotony, the team continuously refined intricate details throughout the series. This balance ensured historical accuracy while maintaining engaging and fresh visuals for viewers.


To ensure that the visuals and elements aligned with the historical context, Zheng, Yu-Shun ‘s team invested significant time researching early and modern imagery during their field investigations. He mentioned that Taiwan’s historical sites are scattered across various locations, and with limited time, the process felt like a journey around the island, requiring considerable effort and dedication to visit numerous cities and counties.


Zheng emphasized that art direction is fundamentally about communication, balancing scenic design, costumes, makeup, and props with the broader team’s vision to present a perfect final product to the audience. Currently, Zheng is preparing new projects, including a collaboration with the “Tears on Fire God” team, promising more exceptional works in the future.

59屆廣播金鐘獎屠潔(左)與老公伊森(右)以 《開箱聲音場館Encore Echo》奪下59屆廣播金鐘獎「企劃編撰獎」。(圖/三立提供)

The 59th Broadcasting Golden Bell Awards, where alumna Tu, Jie (left) and her husband Ethan(right) were recognized for their work on Encore Echo: Unpacking Sound Venues, earning the Planning and Writing Award. (Image credit: Sanlih (SET)).