【活動快訊】 EMI資源中心免費英語課業輔導

想提升你的英語能力或專業科目表現嗎?EMI資源中心現在在台北和桃園校區提供免費英語課業輔導,不論是一對一還是小組教學都OK!無論你是想加強英語還是專業科目,這裡都有適合你的資源。輔導由我們經過專業培訓的EMI助教進行,想知道詳細輔導時間和科目?快點擊下方連結或掃描海報上的QR code,查看報名表和輔導時程表吧!


Want to improve your English skills or boost your performance in professional subjects? The EMI Resource Center is now offering free tutoring support at both Taipei and Taoyuan campuses! Whether you prefer one-on-one or small group sessions, we’ve got you covered. 
Our professionally trained EMI teaching assistants will provide tutoring for both English and professional subjects. Curious about the schedule and subjects? Click the link below or scan the QR code on the poster to check the registration form and tutoring schedule!

Don’t wait! The registration deadline is October 31st. Click the link or scan the code and sign up now – don’t miss out on this opportunity!
Link to sign-up: https://forms.gle/kYeMYGi6LbY6BDoVA

黃采甯 專案經理 Shellie Huang, Project Manager
EMI資源中心 EMI Resource Centerbest@eta.mcu.edu.tw02-2882-4564 #2377