2022.05.07 全校線上教學演練延長至本學期學期末,請知照



Subject: The university-wide online teaching drills have been extended to the end of this semester; please refer to the following details.
Reference: MCU Special Meeting on Epidemic Prevention held on May 16, 2022.

1. The institution has decided to extend the implementation of online teaching drills until the end of this semester (June 26). However, if courses are not suited for online teaching, such as experiments, practice and certification classes, faculty members are to please report to the Chair of the Department and Dean of the School to decide whether to implement physical teaching, online teaching or hybrid teaching (physical + online).
2. The examination method for graduation and final exams will be decided by the faculty members. It is recommended that faculty members do not adopt physical examinations. The assessment and scoring methods should be announced to the students as soon as possible.