2022.03.11 敬請使用正版教科書(含二手書),勿擅自掃描、影印、下載或上傳書籍、教材,以免侵害他人著作權

掃描、影印書籍,如係整本或為其大部分、化整為零之方式,或任意下載、上傳他人論文等,此等利用行為均已超出合理使用範圍,將構成著作權之侵害行為,如遭著作權人依法追訴,恐須負擔刑事及民事之法律責任。請參考https://topic.tipo.gov.tw/copyright-tw/lp-415-301.html(link is external)



When students scan, copy, download or upload Chinese or foreign language textbooks, whether the whole content at once, most of the content or all the material at separate times, none of these meet the definition of fair use. This behavior is considered a violation of copyright, for which violators must bear responsibility under criminal law and civil law once the intellectual property right holder resorts to legal measures.(https://topic.tipo.gov.tw/copyright-tw/lp-415-301.html(link is external))

Responsible Unit:Information and Network Division

Contact Number:3278